Been having great fun at nerd camp. Took some picture postcard photos today.
Stepped on this moth. Yup. It's a gift.
OK, everyone here said I was crazy, but I think this one has a design on it's body that looks like a tiki torch, so I dubbed it Manduca tiki. You see it don't you?
D is Daktari. Daktari is me. I have many interests, but I'm no slave to a master plan. My greatest joy is in being fully open to what life presents. Adventure abounds and life is full of wonder. I am adventurer, explorer, friend, gypsy, and companion. My greatest vice is that I am far too accommodating of my curiosity. Despite this, my life is quiet but by no means unremarkable. I am willing to share what little insight I have gained, my thought processes, and the journey of my growth. If you like what you learn, I'm glad. If you don't, I'm not going to sweat it. Because ultimately, this is all about me.
This is mine. This is Daktari's place. Welcome. In case you wondered, I'm not apt to put up with a lot of crap. That doesn't make me a hard person. It makes me someone who doesn't put up with a lot of crap. I hope you enjoy the company of dogs. There is generally one hanging about these parts.
I totally see the tiki torch design. Pretty!