10 July 2011

I swear I'm still alive

It has been a whirlwind summer.  I got a full-time job that I LOVE working for the forest service.  I got a full-time job for next year teaching in Kentucky.  I have tried, but generally failed to get some research done while working full time this summer.  The problem here is that my job if physically taxing and time-consuming.  On my three days off per week, I generally have to rest one, get things done around the house on the other, and have but a single day to devote to research.  Take on top of that an illness that I was able to work through, but demanded nearly constant rest on my off hours, and I my research has suffered.

But, if there is a silver lining in this summer, it is this.  My job has taken me to the natural areas that I have failed to see in nearly eight years of living in southern IL.  And that is something I will never regret.  This job is just what I needed this summer.

Lusk Creek Canyon

The lazy Lusk Creek.

I spent an hour online trying to determine the name of the creek that provides the water for Jackson Falls. It I failed.  It might be Upper Bay Creek or Hayes Creek or something entirely different.  So, here is the unknown creek just above the falls at Jackson Falls.

I actually do work.  That's me eradicating garlic mustard.

Sitting atop Stoneface.

All in all, it's been a fun summer.  Too bad about the research.

1 comment:

  1. So happy that you're enjoying the summer, and that you've gotten to see some of these natural areas! Your pictures make me miss the area!
