But, if there is a silver lining in this summer, it is this. My job has taken me to the natural areas that I have failed to see in nearly eight years of living in southern IL. And that is something I will never regret. This job is just what I needed this summer.
Lusk Creek Canyon
The lazy Lusk Creek.
I spent an hour online trying to determine the name of the creek that provides the water for Jackson Falls. It I failed. It might be Upper Bay Creek or Hayes Creek or something entirely different. So, here is the unknown creek just above the falls at Jackson Falls.
I actually do work. That's me eradicating garlic mustard.
Sitting atop Stoneface.
All in all, it's been a fun summer. Too bad about the research.
So happy that you're enjoying the summer, and that you've gotten to see some of these natural areas! Your pictures make me miss the area!